Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Congratulations, Senator Brown

Hearty congratulations to Scott Brown, the new Republican Senator-elect from Massachusetts.  Yes, you read that right.  Massachusetts.

What I find most interesting is that Brown's election is, IMHO, going to cause a civil war within the Democrat party.  When a no-kidding conservative gets elected to the seat Teddy "The Swimmer" Kennedy, (aka The Hero of Chappaquiddick) held for damn near 50 years, you KNOW something big is afoot.

First, a little history.

The Democrat party has moved FAR to the left of where most Americans are comfortable.  We're okay with center left (see: Bill Clinton) and center right (see: George W. Bush), but since this is a center-right country in which 60% of Americans consider themselves conservative,, we're far less comfortable with radical liberals than equally reactionary conservatives.

Nonetheless, in the 70s and 80s, the conservative movement conducted a purge.  Gone were the Klan ties, the John Birch Society types, and with the notable exception of Pat Buchanan, gone were the rabid right-wingers clutching their worn copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  We kicked out the weirdos, the kooks, and the conspiracy theorists, deciding it was better to lose without them than to win with them.

The Democrats have never done this.  Instead, they've embraced the farthest of far-left groups -- Communist Party USA, the National Man Boy Love Association (Kevin Jennings, President Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" is a acolyte of NAMBLA leader Harry Hay), the Earth Liberation Front (the #1 ecoterrorist group in the world), and the list goes on and on and on.  Between Barack Obama (let's not forget that Obama's political career was launched in the home of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers), Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, the farthest of the far left effectively took over the governance of the country.

The far-left liberals have now lost elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and Massa-freakin-chusetts.  More moderate Democrats, led by the Blue Dog Coalition are faced with a stark choice:  Either kick out the weirdo wing of the Democrat party and try to reclaim the center, or face another thirty years in the political wilderness.  The nation has gotten its first real taste of the far-left since Carter thirty years ago, but the reaction is the same - spit it out as quickly as you can.  The moderate Democrats understand this, and they understand that as weary as Americans were with President Bush, this is most assuredly NOT what they wanted. 

Don't be surprised if, after the 2010 election, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are both out of a job.  My money is on the still-halfway sane wing of the Democrat Party.

And that's life, From My Position.


  1. "the still-halfway sane wing of the Democrat Party", is that the part that KKK-Byrd is a part of?
    Love your post, how goes it in the frozen north?
    Being so close to Canada I was concerned that some socialism would begin to seep in! :)

  2. It's a frightening day for freedom and liberty when "Sheets" Byrd (D-Klan)is the voice of sanity in the party.

    Being this close to Canada has simply strengthened my resolve NOT to let the socialists win. :D
