Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tell me what you think

So I had both main interviews today.  Both of them went well.  Both offices want to hire me, which is a pretty cool position in which to find oneself.

The first was with the Social Security Administration.  Nice folks, and the job seems like a typical boring office bureaucratic sort of position, a lot like what I did at AFLAC.  I'd be a GS-11 again in two years.

The second was with the cheese factory.  I'd be a supervisor in a very challenging, fast paced environment, and I'd get to wear a cool hairnet every day.

The starting pay is about the same for both jobs. In the SSA job, promotion to GS11 is guaranteed within two years, but it's fairly stagnant after that.  In the cheese factory, no promotion is guaranteed, but they are looking for people who can step up to the managerial level.

So which one should I take?

Tell me what life will look like, From My Position.


  1. That hairnet sounds pretty tempting.

  2. I think you would be happier in the faced paced challenging job.

    Glad to hear things went so well.

    See you guys Sunday!

  3. Good question.
    If you need the promotion $ and the security of a goberment (yes I meant it that way) job then Sam is your uncle. However, I say take the risk and go for the hairnet!

    Do they have medical? Cause the new goberment health care plan may make a private sector job a risk if they do not offer it now.

  4. Yeah, I can't see you handling the um bovine exrement you'd get from both your superiors and public at the SSA. I think you'd be better dealing with the more nourishing bovine by-product. :-)

  5. Cheese Rules!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I'm surprised that it's running 5-0 (which, by the way, probably comprises my entire readership) in favor of being the cheesiest.

    I still haven't heard anything, so we continue to wait.
