Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tomorrow is a big day

Tomorrow I have a follow up interview at a cheese factory, where they want me to be a packaging supervisor, and an interview with the Social Security Administration.

Please pray that God will grant me the wisdom to know the correct choice to make for my family.

It's odd.  I could work for a cheese factory less than a mile from my house.  10am to 7pm is the typical hours, for pretty good money.... or I could work for the Social Security Administration for equally good money, 20 miles from my house, with the security of working for the gov't and 13 years of government service counting for retirement.  It's a weird situation because both of them are actively trying to get me to work for them, so it's a bit of a bidding war between the two.  We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, this song has been running through my head for no particular reason all day long:

Don't Damn Me, by Guns n' Roses

GnR trivia:  This is the only GnR song never performed live.

And that's life, from my position.


  1. You are a wonderful, smart, and hard-working man that deserves the best that God has to offer. I am so proud of you! I think it is totally cool that you finally have a choice of where you get to work and you have the freedom to turn down a position and not fret for the stability of the family.

    You rock, Wolf boy! Mightily! 1*4*3!

  2. We are praying for you! Let us know how things go.

